EP01: Donal O Duibhir on PanSift

EP01: Donal O Duibhir on PanSift

Donal is a network & software engineer, working on a product called Pansift. Join us for EP01!

Donal O Duibhir joins me for episode one.

Relaunch of S01 EP01 with Donal O Duibhir

Donal is a network engineer and software engineer and currently working on ⁠PanSift⁠, a SaaS he's been working on which helps with WiFi and remote working. We cover that and more for S01 EP01 of Built.fm.

You can find out more about him below:

LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/podomere/⁠

Twitter/X: ⁠https://twitter.com/irldexter



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Written by

David Gee

David Gee

I build communication systems like computer & application networks and write software! Then I blog and podcast about it.