EP05: Dagobert Renouf

EP05: Dagobert Renouf

I chat with Dagobert Renouf about Logology, Memeology and upsetting his father in law.

With little time, so much can change. When I first met Dagobert, he was working on a startup called Logology with his wife Lucy. Roll the clock forwards a good few months (almost eight I think), and Logology is no more, but the legend that is Dago and Lucy's story will live on in the community.

EP05 is now a look back in time as I chat Logology with Mr Dagobert Renouf.

EP05 with Mr Dagobert Renouf from Memeology and Logology fame!

Dago now works for Abyssale as a product manager and you can find more about him below:

Twitter: ⁠https://twitter.com/dagorenouf⁠

LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/dgbrt/



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Written by

David Gee

David Gee

I build communication systems like computer & application networks and write software! Then I blog and podcast about it.